( We just received the following update from Anthony Giardenelli )
So everyone thought that our epic flood in 2012 was a fluke 100 year flood. Well, I think that idea came from the climate change deniers. I knew that something wasn’t right when each year since 2012 we have had more than normal flooding. Worldwide there have been extremes ranging from drought to deluge. In the ten years I have been living in the Amazon River Basin I have witnessed record drought and record flood.
It is time for the world to come to grips that the earth we live in is dynamic, changeable sometimes volatile but always awesome. There is more water available now than there has been for thousands of years.
As of now, the level of the Amazon River is close to rivaling our epic flood of 2012. We were lucky in 2012 that the floods did not obligate our lodge to close like so many other lodges in lower lying areas. Right now, roughly 70% of jungle lodges located in Loreto are either closed or executing provisional floors and bathrooms so they can stay in business.
For Otorongo Expediitons the flood is an inconvenience, not a danger. Inconvenient because I had to pull many ornamental plants from my garden and we have lost many crops such as yucca, plantain, papaya and squash. Since 2012 I have been very careful what I plant where and the damage would have been a lot more if I hadn’t had that idea that the flood could come back with a vengeance. ( I had a vision of water up to my doorknobs)